Monday, November 9, 2009

too good not to share!!

hi sweet mommy friends!!

here is a great deal from toys r us! you can mix and match the games..just make sure the games u pick are on the rebate form and equal 25 dollars!!

toys r us and hasbro makes my heart happy!!

look at this deal:

perfection- 19.99 on sale for 9.99
connect four- 15.99 on sale for 9.99
memory- 9.99 on sale for 3.99
dont break the ice- 9.99 on sale for 3.99

total: 27.96
hold on it gets better! when you spend 25 in hasbro games, u get an instant $10 gift card to use on next purchase...
and then...wait for it wait for it....
hasbro has a mail in rebate, on the games that are on sale for 3.99, i will get 2.00 back, and the 9.99 games i will get 3.00 back on each game
so what im saying to you people is i will get a 10 rebate check from hasbro.....!!!!!!!

so break it down with me...
-10.00 gift card
-10.00 rebate check

equals 7.96 for 4 games!!!!!!!!!!!!
im not gonna lie i got perfection for pure nostalgic reasons! i love that game:);)
hurry to toys r us to get this deal:)
heres a link to the rebate form...thank you gottadeal:)